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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2012-12-17 10:53:40 | 浏览量:2047


j9九游会官方网站的带式干燥机/带式冷却器是一个特别的温柔可以很容易地通过空气渗透的材料热处理设备的设计。它特别适合用于连续的颗粒剂,糊剂,成型体化合物和其它产品的干燥和冷却。 格林策巴赫BSH带式干燥机设计,模块化系统。这种建筑方式提供各类干燥机,根据产品要求。 优点一览: 特定产品的供给变化(如制粒机,回转带) 个别调整的传送带和它们的密封 个人空气供给到细胞 独特的自洁系统的机实现了巨大的节省时间,因此延长工作时间的机 轻松访问通过大量的室内门有利于不成问题的清洁,检查和维护。 该细胞可加热,或直接或间接冷却的,并且可以使用所有加热介质如油,蒸汽,热水或热气体。 典型的应用实例: 高吸水性树脂(SAP) 二氧化钛 营养早餐 PTFE

Belt dryer / Belt cooler Our belt dryer/belt cooler is a device designed for the particularly gentle thermal treatment of materials that can be easily permeated by air. It is especially suited for the continuous drying and cooling of pellets, pastes, molded compounds and other products. Grenzebach BSH designs belt dryers in modular system. This construction method provides various types of dryers, according to product requirements. Benefits at a glance: Product-specific feeding variations (e.g. Granulating mill, Slewing belts) Individual adjustment of the conveyor belts and their sealing Individual air supply to the cells The unique self-cleaning system of the dryer enables a huge time saving and therefore longer working time of the dryer Easy access to the interior through large doors facilitates unproblematic cleaning, inspection and maintenance. The cells can be heated or cooled directly or indirectly, and all heating media such as oil, steam, hot water or hot gas can be used. Typical application examples: Superabsorbent Polymer (SAP) Titanium dioxide Muesli PTFE


j9九游会官方网站干燥——国家高新技术企业,多项干燥设备^单位,行业标准主起草单位;尤其在,,,, ,的研发制造方面有较强的优势,欢迎与j9九游会官方网站联系


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