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真空干燥器:批处理机,真空条件下干燥,潮湿的产品。该产品是典型的左右移动机使用酒杯,桨和色带搅拌器或具。使用一般在股票的类型包括:双锥形,双壳,旋转真空锅机制造商可以包括维氏,斯特拉瑟斯井,斯托克斯巴塞尔SCHWEIN,布斯公司,伯利恒和更多。 真空保质干燥机:真空干燥机产品在激烈的货架上的托盘,坐。通常只用于供暖的额定,不具有可移动的货架和货架上的表面积计量。制造商可以包括迪瓦恩,斯托克斯,APV /米切尔,Buflovak,Zschokke沃特曼公司,斯潘格勒和考夫曼。 真空冷冻干燥机(冻干机):低温批处理机除了产品低的温度下进行处理,并可能是可移动的货架盘架式干燥机在设计是相同的。常用于药品生产的货架上压缩塞成小瓶的药结束时的干燥过程中完全密封卫生的原因才离开机。测量货架表面积。制造商可以包括斯托克斯,北极星,辛普森-特纳,赫尔和更多。 输送带式干燥机:使用某种类型的输送机,移动产品通过干燥室或槽的连续干燥器。有些被加热和一些允许在真空条件下干燥。制造商可以雷茨,高线工业, -桑德森Komline,伯利恒,派克斯,萨金特Aeroglide,林峰等。用于输送机的类型,通常在股票包括: holoflite,中空螺钉,热螺杆, 使用槽和的量的宽度和长度的槽或输送机螺丝的数量的热盘机, 产品通过输送机带式干燥机通过加热室,长时间连续水平带式干燥产品。通常情况下测得的直径和长度的皮带。 豪猪式干燥机:传送带式干燥机的特殊类型的低谷和一个特别设计的内部螺旋输送器。可以夹套,并在额定的内部压力。测得的型号。 闪蒸干燥器:也被称为气力输送机传送的产品,在排出前通过某种类型的空气分级机通过热源和粉碎机。由干燥器的空气流在CFM来衡量。 流化床干燥机:可用于批量或连续的过程。产品流过穿孔的床,而热空气吹在床上。连续床干燥器,振动,移动产品通过批量床干燥器使用搅拌器。主要集中在药用植物中发现。测量公斤/小时。制造商可以包括Glatt的,德尼罗,菲茨帕特里克,AEROMATIC等。 喷雾干燥:液体产品精细喷雾雾化成一个大的垂直腔的顶部包含一个顺流或逆流热空气流动。喷雾飘下来,通过室和干燥成细小的颗粒。典型的应用包括即时牛奶,速溶茶和粉末状的颜料。一般测量由该室的直径。制造商可以包括脱水,博文,宝洁和Schwartz,鹳,德尼罗以及更多的。 鼓干燥器:这些加热鼓或一组产品分布在滚筒的外部上的2桶和干燥,因为它旋转慢慢朝向刮刀刮擦关闭外侧鼓干燥产物。这些都是很好的为的牛奶干燥,和谷物。测量由所述滚筒的直径和长度。制造商可以包括:洛瓦,Buflovak / BLAW诺克斯,VDS工程和其他人。 鼓刨片机 -类似的设计,滚筒干燥机滚筒式刨片机除外使用一个冷却的过程片状干燥的产品。制造商可能包括/米切尔诺克斯Buflovak / BLAW,APV,斯托克斯,埃舍尔韦斯等。 皮带刨片机 -皮带刨片机是一种类型的传送带干燥机,如鼓刨片机,使用片状的产品的冷却过程。在这种情况下,带束携带的产品被冷却,所以产品的干燥,固化,然后剥落在刨片机的冷却部的末尾。制造商可以包括山特维克,凯撒,钢带等。 薄膜干燥机转换成自由流动的固体的液体,淤泥,泥浆和粘贴的过程中通常使用的连续干燥器。经常被用于处理热敏感产品。可水平或垂直方向,有的可在真空条件下工作,通常以表面干燥表面。可用的制造商和品牌可能包括派克斯Solidaire的,洛瓦和Buss-SMS-Canzler。 空气干燥器:用于压缩机删除从压缩空气中的水分。这些可以是干燥剂型或冷藏。由CFM测量。制造商/品牌包括Pneumatech,英格索兰,汉金森,箭,巴特利特雪和他人。 烤箱烘干机,热空气或蒸汽加热的加热箱。可以在大气压力下操作。测量腔室的内部尺寸。制造商/品牌包括巴洛惠特尼,撒哈拉大沙漠,格林贝格,Equatherm,Caltherm多。 旋转式热风干燥机:回转式烘干机是大型长圆筒形金属管,外部的轮胎和耳轴旋转。虽然干燥的产品,因为它翻滚它的方式通过旋转管的管内的热空气或直接火焰发射。测量的直径和长度。制造商/品牌包括巴特利特雪,西门,Heyl和帕特森,帕特森-凯利。 蒸汽管回转干燥机:同旋转的热空气干燥器,除了作为热源使用蒸汽加热管,干燥的产品,因为它翻滚超过通过旋转干燥器壳体的外侧的蒸汽加热管。测得的直径和长度。制造商/品牌库存可能包括伯利恒,达文波特,西蒙和更多。 Wyssmont烘干机:一个圆柱形外壳通常是额定压力的连续式干燥机。典型的Wyssmont机包含一摞托盘转动,同时热风吹过住房。以被干燥的产品输送到顶部托盘,然后每次下面托盘上刮下的旋转完成的向下移动的堆栈直到它退出Wyssmont机从底部托盘。制造商/品牌包括Krauss Maffei公司Wyssmont。 什么是工业烘干机?


产品通常在真空干燥速度 更快,比他们在大气压力条件下。某些产品具有氮毯在封闭的环境下进行干燥。因此,你会看到一些机加热夹套,内部压力和真空条件下的额定。其他产品可以简单的东西作为一个工业规模的热空气烘箱中烘干机干燥 。


原文:Used Dryers and Industrial Process Drying Equipment

IPP offers you a large inventory of used, unused and reconditioned dryers and drying equipment used in a wide variety of industrial processes. Since dryers and drying equipment come in so many different designs, sizes and functions, we suggest first narrowing your search using the 24 sub-groups we have defined to make it a bit easier to find the dryer that meets your needs among the over 600 types of used dryers and drying equipment for sale in our stock.

Types of used dryers and drying equipment available include:

Vacuum Dryers: Batch dryers that use vacuum conditions to dry out a wet product. The product is typically moved around the dryer using tumblers, paddle and ribbon agitators or pans. Types of used vacuum dryers typically in stock include: double cone, twin shell, rotary vacuum and pan dryers. Manufacturers can include Vickers, Struthers Wells, Stokes, Buss AG Basel Schwein, Bethlehem and more. Vacuum Shelf Dryers: vacuum dryers where product is dried on trays that sit on top of heated shelves. Typically rated for heating only, do not have movable shelves and are measured by the shelves' surface area. Manufacturers can include Devine, Stokes, APV/Mitchell, Buflovak, Zschokke Wortmann AG, Spangler and Kaufman. Freeze Dryers (Lyophilizers): Low temperature batch dryers that are identical in design to a shelf dryer except the product is processed under low temperatures and the shelves may be moveable. Commonly used in pharmaceutical production where the shelves compress stoppers down into to vials of medicine at the end of the drying process to completely seal them for sanitary reasons before they leave the dryer. Measured by the shelves' surface area. Manufacturers can include Stokes, Northstar, Simpson-Turner, Hull and more. Conveyor Dryers: Continuous dryers that use some kind of conveyor to move product through a drying chamber or trough. Some are heated and some allow drying under vacuum conditions. Manufacturers can include Reitz, Hi Line Industries, Komline-Sanderson, Bethlehem, Bepex, Sargent Aeroglide, Raymond among others. Types of used conveyor dryers typically in stock include: Holoflite, hollow screw, thermal Screw, thermal disc dryers which use troughs and are measured by the width and length of the trough or the number of conveyor screws, conveyor belt dryers where the product passes through a heated chamber on a long continuous horizontal belt to dry the product. Typically measured by the diameter and length of the belt. Porcupine Dryers: Special type of conveyor dryer with a trough and a specially designed internal screw conveyor. Can be jacketed, and rated for internal pressure. Measured by the model number. Flash Dryers: Also known as pneumatic conveyor dryers where the product is conveyed through a heat source and pulverizers before it is discharged through some type of air classifier. Measured by dryer's air flow in CFM. Fluid Bed Dryers: Can be used in batch or continuous processes. The product flows across a perforated bed while hot air blows through the bed. Continuous bed dryers vibrate to move the product through while batch bed dryers use an agitator. Found mostly in pharmaceutical plants. Measured by the Kg/Hr. Manufacturers can include Glatt, Niro, Fitzpatrick, Aeromatic and others. Spray Dryers: Liquid products are atomized into a fine spray at the top of a large vertical chamber which contains a a co-current or counter current hot air flow. The spray floats down through the chamber and dries into fine particles. Typical applications include instant milk, instant tea and powdered pigments. Usually measured by the diameter of the chamber. Manufacturers can include Anhydro, Bowen, Proctor & Schwartz, Stork, Niro plus more. Drum Dryers: These have a heated drum or set of 2 drums where the product is distributed on the outside of the drum and dries as it rotates slowly toward a scraping blade which scrapes the dry product off the outside of the drum. These are good for milk drying, and cereals. Measured by the diameter and length of the drum. Manufacturers can include Luwa, Buflovak/Blaw Knox, VDS Engineering and others. Drum Flakers - Similar in design to drum dryers except drum flakers use a cooling process to flake the product being dried. Manufacturers may include Buflovak/Blaw Knox, APV/Mitchell, Stokes, Escher Wyss among others. Belt Flakers - Belt flakers are a type of conveyor belt dryer that, like drum flakers, use a cooling process to flake the product. In this case, the belt carrying the product is cooled so the product dries, hardens and then flakes off at the end of the flaker's cooling section. Manufacturers can include Sandvik, Kaiser, Steel Belt Systems among others. Thin Film Dryers: Continuous dryers typically used in processes that convert liquids, sludges, slurries and pastes into free-flowing solids. Often used to process heat-sensitive products. Can be horizontal or vertical in orientation, some can operate under vacuum conditions, usually measured in surface area of drying surface. Available manufacturers and brands may include Bepex Solidaire, Luwa and Buss-SMS-Canzler. Air Dryers: used with compressors to remove the moisture from the compressed air. These can be desiccant type or refrigerated. Measured by CFM. Manufacturers/brands can include Pneumatech, Ingersoll Rand, Hankinson, Arrow, Bartlett-Snow and others. Oven Dryers: Heated boxes that are either hot air or steam heated. Can operate at atmospheric pressure. Measured by the internal dimensions of the chamber. Manufacturers/brands could include Barlow Whitney, Sahara, Grunberg, Equatherm, Caltherm and more. Rotary Hot Air Dryers: Rotary dryers are large long cylindrical tubes that rotate on external tires and trunnions. Hot air or direct flame is fired though the inside of the tube to dry the product as it tumbles its way through the rotating tube. Measured by diameter and length. Manufacturers/brands can include Bartlett-Snow, Simon, Heyl & Patterson and Patterson-Kelley. Rotary Steam Tube Dryers: Same as rotary hot air dryers except uses steam heated tubes as heat source to dry the product as it tumbles over the outside of the steam heated tubes through the rotating dryer housing. Measured by the diameter and length. Manufacturers/brands in stock may include Bethlehem, Davenport, Simon and more. Wyssmont Dryers: Continuous dryers with a cylindrical housing that is normally not pressure rated. Typical Wyssmont dryers contain a stack of trays that rotate while hot air blows through the housing. The product to be dried is fed onto the top tray and then scraped onto the tray below each time a rotation is complete moving down the stack until it exits the Wyssmont dryer from the bottom tray. Manufacturers/brands include Krauss Maffei and Wyssmont. What is an Industrial Dryer?

An industrial dryer is any processing plant machine that removes moisture to produce a dry, solid product. When the final product is a dry powder, dryers are typically located near the end of the process line. In chemical or pharmaceutical plants, dryers are typically used after centrifuges or filters have removed most of the moisture in the product.

Products generally dry much faster in a vacuum than they do in atmospheric pressure conditions. Some products have to be dried under a nitrogen blanket in a closed environment. Hence you will see some dryers have a heating jacket, are rated for internal pressure and for vacuum conditions. Other products can be dried in something as simple as an industrially sized hot air oven dryer.

Common accessories for dryers include dust collectors and vacuum pump systems.


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